Let's Go Outside and Learn provides fun after school opportunities for children who are interested in learning more about nature and the world around them. Our environment clubs are managed by qualified staff who have extensive experience in education and outdoor learning.
We aim to ensure that our sessions are both informative and fun and tailor all of the sessions to meet the needs of the participants and participants work towards an environmental award called the Muddy Footprints Challenge. Children receive a progress chart and certificates as they Discover, Learn and are Inspired by the world around them. For more information about the Muddy Footprints Challenge see our leaflet Muddy footprints leaflet
Sessions include innovative games, storytime, treasure hunts craft activities and much more.
All of our sessions can be adapted for a range of ages and abilities including family learning and children with additional learning needs.
Contact us if you would like to know more about our work with schools and families. Email outdoor.learning@outlook.com
The Muddy Footprints Challenge was developed thanks to an award from the People's Postcode Trust a grant awarding charity funded entirely by players of the People's Postcode Lottery. www.postcodetrust.org.uk